Helgebostad Hagebruk

Helgebostad Hagebruk is run by Elisa Helgebostad on Helgebostadøya, Hitra. The gardens has over a hundred different varieties of plants, perennial and annual, vegetables and herbs. Growing area is about 1,1 acre and covers a herb garden, market garden and a homebuilt growing tunnel and surrounds the house where she lives with her two sons. The gardens shows a reflection of interest in heirloom varieties and seed saving, self sufficiency and resillience for the future climate along with good nourishment. Guided tours are held all year as long as there is no snow. During season, guided tours are made with possibility to do direct shopping from the field, perfect for those interested in food. Vegetables and herbs are sold to restaurants and direct to locals. Elisa also run different cooking events, arranges workshops and participate in various projects.

Through her work with the plants and food, the goal is to explore opportunities for the food gardens of the future, and the place of humans in this.